Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Remember Momma,,,,,,,,

There used to be a TV show called, "I Remember Momma", I grew up watching it,,,black/white, it was one of my favorites!. Today is my Mom's birthday, she would have been 85,,,,,, gosh! Bless her heart,,,, when she was alive she had sooo many illnesses, I can see why she didn't make it to now. I had a goooood Momma, and I missed her terribly,,,especially on days like today,,,her birthday,,,and pouring down the rain. She has been gone for 6 years. I was the only girl out of four boys. Mom used to say that the boys would always "spoil" me,,,I don't quite remember it that way,,,,I remember,,,,,"Mom, get her out of here",,,,,"she's bugging me",,,,,,,,,,,"iron my pants and I'll give you a Yankee dime"! Watch for the city bus for me and I'll give you a yankee dime! A dime was quite a bit in the 50's,,,,,especially from my brothers who were 9 and 10 years olders then me. Do you know what a Yankee Dime is? A kiss,,,,,, yuck! from your brother? Double yuck! I soon learned my lesson,,,,,,iron your own pants,,,,yucky!

Mom was always so sickly and had sooo many illnesses that I would have to go and stay and take care of her some,,,,,especially when she had heart valve replacement surgery and then her hysterectomy at age 69, whew,,,,that one nearly done us both in.

People say I look like my Mom,,,,,,tickles me,,,,,for I always thought my Mom was sooo pretty. She'd "clean up pretty good"! ha ha

Went out to eat at a new restaurant today (let's say,,,,it was new to me). It was "Kyoto's", a Japanese restaurant. It was delicious!!! Teriyaki chicken with broccoli, sweet carrots, zucchini (that Jonathan thought was an apple) and onion, with rice and covered in ginger sauce. It was wonderful and very different. I went with Jonathan and Tiffany. Thanks kids~! A nice early "Mother's Day gift"!

Here is a picture of me and Mom, taken, I quess, 20 years ago, we had matching dresses, something we had never had before. This was before her surgeries. Love her,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Happy 85th birthday Momma!!!


  1. Lunch today was delicious! I'm glad you liked it!

  2. I miss Mamaw! She was always so funny and real! Yep, I think you look like her too...both beautiful :) You were so good to take care of her.

    Well, I guess if you like that sort of thing, Kyoto's would be okay for Mother's Day...BUT, I'll be more than happy for my guys to take me to Cracker Barrel!! If you can get zucchini confused for an apple, I'm not sure that's the place for me!!!

    As for the Yankee dimes for ironing...I'm SO glad I taught Jason my de-wrinkling trick...stick yer drawers in the dryer!!

  3. I've always thought that you looked like her too. Can you believe that I was so nervous and worried to meet her the first time? I had heard so many stories about how she "told it just like it was" with no reservations. I was afraid she'd say I wore too much makeup or was a too chunky ( both true, but not something you want to be told out loud)! I shouldn't have been nervous - she was a sweet lady that always made me laugh.

    I love Kyoto's but have only eaten there twice, once with JV and once with some friends. I always forget about it. Maybe I'll ask to go there for Mother's Day.
