Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Don't think it's going to Work!!!!!

I've been trying to get use to this breathing machine (c-pap). The Dr said I had mild to moderate sleep apnea, that I quit breathing 17.8 times in an hour and the oxygen level dropped down to 82. He said I qualified for oxygen, at home. (What??!!) I can't believe it,,,OMG! Since I got this machine, with a mile of hose that is hooked up to the end of my nose, that forces air in my nostrils. Which this doesn't bother me,,,it's the hose,,,,there's 10 foot of it, it seems!!!!!I'll give it a month,,,,,and it doesn't get easier,,,,,it's gone.....................I haven't felt well for about 4 weeks now,,,can't put my finger on it,,,,,maybe it's the sleep thing, I am just soooo tired,,,,,,,,,,

Next week is the appointment with the infectious disease specialist,,,,,,I'm anxious to see just what she says. I am already on an anti-biotic,,,,don't know for sure if this is the right kind,,,,everything I read, says anti-biotic, by IV,,,,so we'll see what she says. I want the strongest they make!

Been putting up freezer corn, and peaches,,,will taste mighty good this winter. Soon the green beans will be in,,oh boy oh boy, then the fun will really begin,,,washing jars, breaking beans, canning, breaking beans, can some more, breaking beans, etc. you get the picture don't you? Never ending,,,at least we'll have something to eat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


  1. This post made me think back to when Jason got his machine many moons ago! AAAHHHH the peace and quiet! Of his own good will, he slept on the couch with it for a few nights because Matthew was a little baby and was sleeping in our room. He was afraid the noise of the machine would keep him awake. I remember getting up in the night and just listening. Then I went and got right in his face to make sure he was alive! Surely with air going straight up his nose he was, but I had never seen him sleep so peacefully. I couldn't believe he thought the tiny whisper of the machine would keep the baby up when he had been used to hearing his Daddy nearly suck the roof off the house!! :o) Well, one day I decided I would try his machine. I put the mask on and Jason turned on the button...OH MY MERCY!!! I thought I was gonna die! It took my breath away (kinda like when you hold your head out of a moving vehicle) and I couldn't claw that thing off fast enough!

    Sorry for being so long winded...see I don't need an air machine!! :o) (I do hope you get to feeling better though!)

  2. I'm sitting here laughing as I read Natalie's comment. I have wondered many times what it would be like to try Jeremy's machine, but haven't been brave enough to try it for fear of breaking something! For some odd reason, I just don't think I have the urge to try it out anymore!

    Sounds like you have been awfully busy. Just reading your post makes me very happy that I skipped the gardening this year. It much easier and less time consuming for me to just stop at the farmer's market in BG.

    Hope you have a better night's sleep!

  3. Is the breathing contraption helping any? I'm sure it would be hard to get used to! The corn, peaches & green beans sound soooo yummy!
