Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Busy, busy, busy,,,,,,

Just busy, busy, busy,,,,,,I'm supposed to be retired, and I'm busier than when I worked!!! Don't know how I ever did it!!! But,,,,I'm enjoying every minute of it!!

Still having chest pain,,,it's going on 4 weeks now. My blood work showed that the thyroid is normal, so it's not that. If it's not my heart, nor thyroid, what is it then???? The lungs?? I have an appt on Friday w/Dr Shadowen,,,we'll see. Also the blood work for Dr Young is stable, no worse and no better, same,,,,so it's good news,,,no chemo yet!!!! I'm so glad we put it off until after Christmas,,,,there's no telling what shape I would be in right now, if,,,,,,,,,,, The Lord has a way of taking care of things doesn't he? An answer to prayer. Thanks again to all who prayerd for me!! I will see the cancer Dr. the last of April,,,hopefully everything will still look good. (still blessed!!)

What a beautiful day we had today,,,Hannah, (my granddaughter) and I stayed out side for a good while and played and enjoyed the sun. She is such a joy,,,,a reason to get out of bed in the mornings...........Here's a picture of Hannah, taken with my Red Hatter's hat and boa on,,,she's a mess!!! and she talks ALL THE TIME and carries on a conversation like a grown up. (having a mom that is is teacher, encourages that I would say, ha)

(Hope you enjoy these pictures Wanda,,,,,I'm not real savy when it comes to this PC,,,but I'm learning!)


  1. Great job with the pictures! Now, just change Jacob's middle name to Nathaniel before he sees it or you'll never hear the end of it :) Yay, Yay, Yay for no chemo!!! Hopefully, it will stay that way for a long time!

  2. How could I not love them. Hope they find out what is going on with your heart. When mine was acting up, it was something like acid reflux. So maybe yours is something that simple. (hopefully) Loving the NO CHEMO!!! Love you much woman..and that picture of your honey looks just like Jeremy.

  3. While we was coming home from Florida, seen a license plate that was SING ON, maybe you need one, if not a license plate then one for the front of your car....

  4. Maybe it's not the part about me being a teacher, maybe it's the fact that I have a hard time being quiet myself!! It's a good thing that conduct grades weren't counted for honor roll!

    I like the idea of the SING ON license plate.
