Sunday, March 1, 2009

Seven years,,,,,,,,,,

I wore this same dress, seven years ago to the funeral, how ironic that I chose to wear it today. My life has changed sooo much in seven years. Half of me,,,,,, missing,,,and then trying to find a satisfying life for myself. No way I can describe it,,,,,,It took several years,,,,just trying to find "me" again and trying to make "me" a whole person. I had to look for things to "busy" my life with, it seems, just to survive. It seemed, it hurt to even, "breathe", without him. But,,,,,I re-adjusted my life,,,,and went forward,,,,and now it has been seven years,,,,gosh,,,,But God has been good and I still feel "Blessed" just to be counted among the living.

I still am having chest pain, I guess I shall call the Dr and check on the monitor readings. I'm sure it is alright but I will call and then I won't have to guess.

Saturday, I attended the Red Hatters Tea at The Victorian House in Smiths Grove. What a wonderful time we had. There were 12 of us and we drank hot peach tea and had a lite lunch. We then toured the bed and breakfast and learned some of it's history. It was a warm way to spend a rainy and balmy Saturday, with good friends and good history.


  1. The "tea" sounds like a fun time. Did that home hold a candle to the one in Rocky Hill that we toured at Christmas? I must say, the actual tea drink doesn't sound too appealing to me...peach, ugh! I like my tea just plain ole sweet and iced!! Guess I'm not daintiful enough to appreciate a "tea" :o)

    I'm proud of you for your past seven years. Even though I'm sure it has seemed almost unbearable for you at times, you have put on such a brave face! So much has changed in the past seven years for us all, but I like focusing on the good! By God's grace we are all "Still Blessed"! Love you!

  2. Oh Shela, what the years do hold for us...and I know that these years have been so hard on you, but you are so faithful and such a wonderful person...I love you so much.
    only one thing wrong with your blog....we need pictures. You can do ya

  3. Aunt Shela, I am glad that you started a blog so I can follow your status.
    I thought of you on the anniversary of Uncle Ronnie's death. I can't even imagine the pain and I am sure that seven years later it hurts just as badly. You are an amazingly strong woman whom I look up to. Even when I was a little girl, I always wanted to be able to "sign like Aunt Shela".
    I am happy to hear that so far you have avoided the chemo. I pray that your count continues to stay higher.
    I love you...

  4. hi, madame..
    want you to know, what the secret questions ?
