Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Well,,,,,,,Ain't God Good!!!!!!!!

Went to see my cancer Dr, Dr Young to get the report of the PET scan,,,,,WOO,,,,,,,HOOO!!!! No spreading in the lymph nodes and no evidence of metastatic activity in any organ,,,WOO,,,,,HOOO,,,,,,,We found it early,,,,,,,,,may not have any more involvement for hopefully many years,,,but of course, I know it could be 3 months also. He said that the nodes are usually large before it is found,,,,but we did good,,,and found it early. So that suckka is out of there!!! But that is awfully good news for now,,,it's been kinda scary around here. Leukemia numbers are about the same,,,no better no worse,,,that is good also. Go back in three months, unless something comes up. and did I tell you that my Dr of 12 years is re-locating to Colorado? I've been with him for a long time and I really like him,,,,,....He has seen me at some very low times,,,chemo, shingles, allergic reactions to IVIG treatments, which cause hepatitis and meningitis,,,and now this,,,I will see him one more time before he leaves,,,,,maybe,,just maybe I'll bake him a cake,,,,,,,,


  1. Yes, he is so good to us all. Even when things don't go well. I am so happy you got the great news. You are a very blessed lady, and I am so thankful for it. Love you.
    Regina Prewitt

  2. What a wonderful post to read AUnt Shela. I am so happy to read this. God is Good! Amen!! Prayer does change things. I am so thankful. Love you!!

  3. Thank God for his tender mercies. I'm so thankful He spared you from having to go through another trial. You are a special person & I believe He still has work for you to do. Don't know what it will be, but you have such a sweet spirit Shela. Jay & I love you so much!!!
