on another round of antibiotic,,,,,,whew,,,,,also lymph nodes are swollen and are sooooo painful. They have been swollen since way before Christmas,,,,,not all that big,,, but are terribly painful. Probably because of all the infections,,,but to be on the safe side, we did a mammogram, chest ex-ray and ultra-sound,,,,,which were clear except for the ultra-sound,,,,it showed up the swollen lymphs (shame the pain couldn't have showed up too,,,ha). I have knots under the arms and in the groin,, In the mornings I feel pretty good,,,but by nightime,,,I'm a mess,,,,,soooo tired and hurting sooo bad...Don't exactly know what is going on,,,,,,again,,,probably just infection. My Dr sent me to see a surgeon,,,,and he wants to take some nodes out and test them to see what is going on,,,,,(fun, fun, fun,). So on Monday we will do that,,,,just hope I don't get a bug between now and then,,,,,,afraid to get out much,,,,afraid I will get the flu or the stomach bug that is going around.......Come to think of it,,,I have had these swollen lymph nodes ever since I got that swine flu shot,,,,,,,strange,,,,,wonder if that is why they are swollen?????? very strange,,,,wonder if there is a connection? Won't know anything until Wednesday,,,,will hear from the biopsy by then.
My how times flies,,,,can't believe it has been 8 years ago today,,,,,,when we lost Ronnie,,,,,and then in other ways,,,,it seems forever since he has been gone. Never saw anyone that loved to laugh, and make you laugh too, any better then he did. What a hoot he was!!!! He had this picture of a girl who was sooo ugly,,,I mean UGLY!!! and he would say,,"let me show you a picture of my wife" and I would feel so sorry for those people,,,He would add,,,,"Ain't she beautiful?" And the people wouldn't want to hurt his feelings,,,they wouldn't know what to say,,,,,and he would just laugh,,,,,,One time a guy,,,,,, kept a straight face,,,,,and said,,,"she bore you 3 great sons, didn't she?" (he was one of those,,,if you can't say something nice,,,don't say nothing at all people,,ha) He sure had a lot of fun with that picture,,,,,,memories,♥,,,enough to last a lifetime,,,,,,,makes me laugh just thinking about him,,☺,,,,,,,,hmmmmmmm
Thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, with which I'll never part. God has you in his keeping, I have you in my heart,,,,