is all I can say,,,,,I haven't posted because nothing has been going on,,,,,,I still feel good and the cancer seems to be dormant for now,,,,,I know at any given time it can pop it's ugly head back up,,,,but for now life is good,,,,,,,and no trips to BG,,,,,,,,I have a check up next month,,,we will see how we are doing,,,,,possibly a new Dr. too.
Learning a new song,,,,have you ever heard,,,,"When I remember who I am",,,,,,,,very nice indeed. Our church anniversary is coming up in September,,,100 year anniversary,,,,we have been working on a church cookbook to celebrate this....BIG job!!! But it is done now and waiting for the final result....
We had a 2 week revival in which the Lord greatly blessed by saving 9 souls,,,,,,9 more to help fight the battle,,,Ain't God good,,,,,,,,,Decoration is coming up this weekend,,,,,,,,houseful and lots of eating to be done,,,,,we will decorate Ronnie's and his families graves,,,,,,hope it's not raining,,,,,,then baptizing next weekend,,,and then decoration with my family in Caneyville the next weekend. A busy month for sure. So glad I am healthy enough to enjoy everything,,,,,,