Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well, the lung Dr said, he thought it could be asthma,,,,,,,,,,,what? We don't know for sure,,,,, and I did ok on the breathing tests,,,,,,he put me on an inhaler to use over the next few days and I go back on Monday and he will do an hour long breathing test and we will go from there,,,,So far I can't tell any difference with the inhaler.......I hope it is asthma and not a heart blockage....I guess that will be the next step. My health seems to be an "Never Ending Story" (hummmm, a good name for a movie) ha Now I know what it means,,,when they say "declining health",,,,,I'll let you know on Monday what he says.

Mother's Day this weekend,,,,Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers,,,,,,,,,,,,,I wonder what Jennie and Natalie are going to get me??????


  1. Oh, dear MIL, aren't you clever?! I'll tell ya, I considered a Yankee Dime...NOT from ME though!!!! ;p HeeHee, I actually picked up part of your gift today...and I'm NOT telling!! Don't you know...patience is a virtue!

    As for the asthma, I think that would sure be better than heart problems. I know asthma can be very dangerous, but I hate the thought of you having to go through all the cardio testing and procedures! (Been there, done that with one parent this year!) Hey, I've heard them inhalers can give you a noticed anything yet??!! If you do, I might see about getting me one too! JUST KIDDING!!!!!!! :o)

  2. I think we may have to watch Natalie, she may go around sniffing or "huffing" those cans of air!!!!!!
    I hope you find some answers on Monday.
    As for your other post, I'd never heard of a Yankee dime until you mentioned it while we were fishing in your pond. So if I ever hear it again, I will think of you!
