Friday, March 20, 2009


Well,,,,,,,the pain is still there and so is the shortness of breath,,,,,,,,it's becoming a part of me. If it was my heart,,,I guess I would of had a heart-attack by now. I have an appt with the liver Dr in a couple of weeks,,,maybe he can tell me something. I haven't felt well at all this week, don't exactly know what is going on ,,,,,,,blood work still looks the same, bad,,,,,but stable. I'm very tired, so tired, I've tried to pick up the tree limbs and it just gives me out. Jeremy has helped a lot, if it wasn't for him, I couldn't get it done. Soon I will have to see about getting a new roof put on, (wind damage) I dread the mess, I've been thinking about putting on a metal roof,,,I just might like it. And oh yes,,,the garage door has to be replaced, (again, wind damage) ,,,,,,,a woman's work,,,

is never done. ha

I guess I will have to ppv the directv tonite and rent Twilight, so I can keep up with the girls,,,they are all in love with Edward,,,,but you know,,,,, he is 108 years old,,,he's really more my age,,,,and I'm single,,,,,,,so,,,,,,, (sorry girls, I've got him)

Hannah comes tomorrow, for the day,,,,a reason to get out of bed again. She is so much fun,,,,,,,,she says Mommaw, you're so silly! Love it!

On Sunday the Red Hatters are going to see a murder mystery in BG at the Phoenix House. We get to get dressed up,,,see a play and then go out to eat. What fun!!!! And we don't have to mess with taking a man along,,,,who will gripe and complain because HE has to get dressed up and sleep through a play that he didn't want to see in the first place. ha


  1. Listen Granny...don't make me come over there!!!

  2. I haven't seen Twilight either, Spencer said he wasn't much on it, love story you know. So let me know what you think. And my odds are on you taking
