Not sure,,,,,,,,,,of what is going on,,,,,,haven't been sick all winter,,,,I have stayed in quite a bit,,,afraid of catching the flu,,,,,,,that would not be good......but something is going on,,,not sure exactly what,,,,,,I have been having chest pain,,,,doesn't feel like a weight on my chest,,,been going on for 10 weeks...and of course the side of my right neck and ear are still achy,,,,had a cat scan done in February,,,it showed no change in the lymph nodes,,,,but showed thyroid nodules,,,,which I know I had always had a goiter,,,and am taking thyroid medicine so it wouldn't grow,,,,Dr suggested an ultrasound on the neck to check the nodules out,,,,now there are several nodules, which is normal of a goiter,,,,,,,,now there are nodules on the right,,,hmmmmmm,,,same side the achyness is on plus the ear that hurts,,,and same side the chest pain is,,,also same side where they biopsied the lymph nodes under the arm and found Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma,,,,wonder if there is a connection here,,,,,,,,,,So now I am scheduled for a biopsy of the thyroid,,,,no surgery as of this time,,,just a ultrasound guided core biopsy,,,,just a one inch incision ,,,,even though the platelets were 47 as of the last blood work, they seem to think it is adequate for the biopsy,,,hmmmmm,,,,which should tell us what we are dealing with,,,could be another goiter,,,,,thyroid lymphoma,,,,,cancer of the thyroid,,(can you imagine having 3 different cancers????? Really now????) (enough is enough----don't even go there). I was taking thyroid medicine so the goiter wouldn't grow,,,,,,,,but something is going on with the thyroid because the Dr increased the medicine in November and again in February,,,,,so wonder what is going on,,,,,,,questions, questions, questions,,,,,,got to remember to get the Dr to prescribe an anti-biotic,,,to protect my knee,,,I mean if I have to take one for teeth cleaning,,,,surely I will need one for the incision, to protect the knee,,,and probably go off the celebrex too,,,,,,(mental note to call Dr and ask about this), The test was scheduled for this Monday 3/25,,,but gonna call and See if we can change to 4/01 while the kids are off on spring break,,,,,they said to bring a driver,,,,hmmmmmmm ,,,,,, Probably will be about 3 weeks before I know
anything....will let you know,,,,,,,(mental note: think positive thoughts)
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