Monday, February 23, 2009

Estimates, Estimates,,,,,,,

Well, I have had it with estimates. Since the ice storm and the following windstorm, I am finding all kinds of damage. My garage door for sure, trees, roof, sheds, antenna and fencing. WOW!! To file a claim you have to have estimates, boy, that is an undertaking. Ronnie always took care of this stuff. But people have been very kind and very gracious to help out. I have turned it all in to the insurance company and hopefully I will hear from them in a few days. And then I will probably be all summer getting it all done. It will take forever just to get the trees removed from the yard!!

Happy Birthday to Matthew Travis!!! My first grandson. He belongs to my first born Jason (my favorite) and his wife Natalie. They also have another son, Jacob, who is six years old. Matthew is eleven years old today. Yea Matthew!!!!

My second son, Jeremy (my favorite) and his wife Jenni have a two and a half year old girl, Hannah Elizabeth.

My third son, Jonathan (my favorite) is not married yet but is dating Tiffany (looks promising).

I went to church at Chalybeate Sunday with Jonathan and Tiffany, had a good sweet service. It was soooo good to visit and see "old friends". What would this world be like with no "good friends". I would feel helpless without them.

Got to go and get things ready to file taxes tomorrow. I am also seeing a podiatrist, who is going to take a look see at my toe. The middle one on the right foot. It stays infected all the time. It could be because of my sugar or possibly a suppressed immune system or could be a fungus. Hopefully I will find out tomorrow.

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