Monday, March 1, 2010


don't feel so good,,,,,,,,got home around 4,,,,,stayed with Jonathan a few hours then home....I have about a 4 inch incision (that hurts) in my armpit (bad place),,,,,,and sore throat (they had a tube inserted during surgery). Won't know results of biopsy until after 2 on Wednesday,,(oh boy!),,,still,,,,I think it is related to the swine flu shot,,,but we will see...Thanks everyone for all the calls and good thoughts,,,,luv ya

Oh,,,,,forgot to tell you,,,,no stitches!!!! the Dr glued it back together,,,,amazing what they can do now days,,,,and the incision looks really well. Just amazing,,,probably will mean a faster healing time and I'm all for that!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your home and doing okay. I'm just down the road if you need anything! By the way, my kitchen has went from sunflowers to RED!
