Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

Well,,,tomorrow's the cath test,,,don't know if I should pack a bag or not. It's just a test,,,right? BUT,,,,,he said if they find that I need a stint,,,,they possibly will go ahead and insert it, at this time and save a procedure,,,,,and that means an overnite stay in the hospital for sure. So,,,,I better pack the PJ's for safety measure,,,,safety meaning,,, I won't be showing my hiney in those hospital gowns and scaring someone to death. I have a million things to do before tomorrow,,,just in case there is surgery,,,,,,,she said I couldn't lift more then a gallon of milk for a few days,,,,so gotta get a move on,,,,,,,,,


  1. Good luck Shelia...........praying for you!

  2. Yeah, I'd throw some pj's in the car just for in case...we don't want no streakin' going on! ;o)
