Friday, August 14, 2009

It's Still working!!!!!

I had blood work done today and still good results and the dosage is still the same,,,,,,,and I believe (I'm afraid to speak too soon) that the toe's swelling has gone down just a tad,,,I'm so glad,,,I was beginning to think it wasn't making a difference,,,but I believe it is,,,it still has pain though,,,,,they also changed the dressing, (yuck)and it feels better,,,,,but looks horrible,,,,bruises everywhere,,,,but they too will heal and blood still oozes, (yuck again) Will go back tomorrow for another dose,,,,just like the energizer bunny,,,I just keep on ticking,,,,,,,,,

1 comment:

  1. Once again I faced Satan this morning, And I battled him all the day long. But in my weakness God sent reinforcement, and at sundown I sing victory's song....
