Friday, August 7, 2009

Lord, it's just another hill,,,,,,,,

that i'm climbing,,,,,
Lord, it's just another tear to wipe away,,,,,,,
if I an just hold on, a little longer,,,,
I'll be rejoicing in Heaven some day.

When my troubles and trials gather around me,,,
and it seems, I'm in this valley all alone,,,,,
then I feel his arms all around me,,,,,,
and praise God I know, I'm going home,

These are the words to a song that Bro Gerald Skaggs used to sing all the time (how I miss him)I thought of this song so many times today,,,,,,,first on the agenda today I saw Dr Rauh, the liver dr and he said everything is looking good and numbers are up and some are down,,,,that is wonderful! Next,,,I am to be at the diagnostic and imaging at the MEdical center so they can put in my pic-line for the treatment,,,,,,,whoooo,,,,, they are not going to put me to sleep,,just going to numb it real good. had to use an ex-ray to guide it,,,,now we have it in,,,hurts a little,,,,they clean it up,,,and then I walk over to the other side and get my treatment,,,,,they take some blood and they are going to test it to make sure that I don't have too much of that drug or it could be toxic,,,,it come back,,,I didn't have enough,,,,so, tomorrow we will up the dosage, (oh boy) Will have to wait and see and then go from there. I hope to tomorrow is a whole lot better,,,,,,,,,,

Must of had something to do with the full moon, I was pretty wimpy and weepy today,,,and it really shocked me,,,,,while they were doing the surgery,,,,I couldn't keep the tears back,,,,,for no reason,,,,,,I kept choking them back,,,until no one could see and then I would cry,,,don't know why,,,,,,,,,,,,well,,,,,maybe,,,,just maybe I missed my sweetheart,,,,,,,now if he could be here he would,,,and he would hold my other hand and be jokular so I wouldn't pay any attention to what was going on,,,,,,I miss my man,,,,,,,tears tears when it gets quiet,,,,I'll go ahead and have a good cry and get it overwith,,,,,so I can move on,,,,,and not look back. I hate weepy days,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and it's such a beautiful day,,,,,,,,,,,church sat and sun and treatments both days,,,going to be on the road alot.

1 comment:

  1. Golly, you (or the moon) are making me feel all weepy too! I couldn't tell you how many references I've heard about the full moon this week...I hope it goes back to a crescent soon!! :o)
